Ongoing concerns about encroachers from space.
Added new pages 2024. 8 pgs.
Experimental superhero madness, meant to evoke 90's extreme comics.
Completed in 2022. 26 pgs.
Rock people! This is a reworked fragment of a comic I made in 2016 and
never released. Still love this idea and characters. Fixed in 2022. 12 pgs & extras.
Short silent story about a barbarian and an odd fish man. Serialized 2018. 16 pgs.
...and then the frogs show up! There are a few pages displayed on the front page!
Bear Quest was a project I serialized from 2009 to 2014 and was the first big project where
I mixed up comics and video games. Click above for BQ1, 80 pgs.
Bear Quest 3...
...isn't going to be put up on this site...but I did print it in 2014. If you've got a copy consider it rare!
I'd like to collect all 3 BQs into a "Collector's Edition" one day. And I've got a further story written,
but it's become hard to motivate myself to make any comics that don't feed into my (actual*) game ideas.
(* - like ones that I literally make instead of made-up ones I just put in a comic book)
Published in 2015 & 2016, it was an excuse to make "whatever I want." I still really like it, but it feels
somewhat "rushed" in comparison to my other work. 48 pgs each, 96 pgs total. An Original Cartoon Epic, The Miner Saga! Few people have read this actually, I only ever printed 30 copies of
the first book! It was created, in fits and starts, from 2007 to 2014; my longest ever project! I'm offering the whole
thing online right here! The 3 parts are 115 pgs, 106 pgs, and 24 pgs = 245 pgs total.